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Other Vildmosen Øst - Logscroll by Westcoast8 (1/1)
N57° 13.267  E9° 56.480 (WGS84)
UTM  32V   E 556843  N 6342393
Use waypoint: GC1C7R2
Size: Unknown Unknown    Hidden on 8-1-2009
In Nil,
Difficulty:  1 out of 5   Terrain:  1 out of 5

Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)

Current at 8-1-2009

Nearby Caches
GC1JDDP E39 exit 9 - VESTBJERG (9,14 kms S)
GC15R7B Vrejlev Kirke - Jyllands Kirker (16,09 kms N)
GC1JTAZ Helligkilden (39,84 kms N)
GCVND7 Fugleskoven (40,08 kms N)
GCXRQP Hirtshals Fyr (40,43 kms N)

Additional Hints (There are no hints for this cache)